Fox Tale Cinema Reel

What we are

Fox Tale Films is an Emmy-nominated full service video production house built by best-selling authors, renowned filmmakers and acclaimed journalists who've cultivated a deep passion for storytelling. We combine stunning visuals with compelling characters to tell stories like none other.

Our skill is in documentary filmmaking, a real-world style that we bring to many of our projects, whether journalistic or commercial. 

Fox Tale has worked around the world -- from Liberia to Iraq -- covering everything from conflict to culture. Our clients include FedEx, The New York Times, Billboard Magazine, The Guardian, Human Rights Watch, The Atlantic, The Economist, Vocativ and USA Today, to name but a few.

Whether your project is a feature-length documentary, a TV series or a web commercial highlighting your latest product -- and whether you're looking for handheld realism or ultra slow-motion -- Fox Tale wants to be a part of it.

Who we are

Greg in Libya -- small.jpg

Greg Campbell is a Fox Tale Films partner, writer, producer and director.

As a journalist, he has traveled the world to cover stories throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. His breakout 2002 nonfiction book "Blood Diamonds; Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most Precious Stones," inspired the 2006 Oscar-nominated movie "Blood Diamond," starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou.

An experienced conflict reporter, he has also covered numerous domestic topics from politics to pot. His work -- both print reporting and video -- has appeared in The Economist, The New Republic, USA Today, The Atlantic and the New York Times, among many others.

He is the director of HONDROS, the feature-length documentary about famed war photographer, Chris Hondros. He met Chris Hondros when he was 14. They worked together in Kosovo, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and in Libya in the days before Chris's death. 


Jonathan Saruk is a Fox Tale Films partner, filmmaker and photographer based in Malmö, Sweden. He has worked on numerous productions for NGO/editorial clients including UNHCR, Aegis Trust, USA Today and HDnet’s World Report.  Additionally, he has worked on commercial productions for Sony Ericsson, Eon and Unibail-Rodamco.  

Jonathan's editorial still images have been published in The New Yorker, Newsweek, TheSunday Times Magazine (London) among others, and and he has created production stills on assignment for The Weather Channel and The Travel Channel.  Jonathan's first monograph, The Forbidden Reel, was published by Daylight Books in 2014 and selected as one of the year's best photography books by Time Magazine.

He is a graduate of the International Center of Photography in New York, NY, where he was awarded a scholarship from The New York Times.  Jonathan also holds an M.A. in print journalism from New York University. He is also a Featured Photographer with Reportage by Getty Images.

Lauren Torres is a Fox Tale Films producer and director. Lauren has travelled extensively and experienced many different cultures around the world. Her first short film, ETIQUETTE, toured film festivals in the U.S. and U.K. Lauren is driven by her belief that cinema should inspire and educate others as it helps audiences see the world from varied perspectives.